Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)


UHC LLC provides Mentorship services to individuals living in the community. Mentorship allows individuals to become more knowledgeable and confident self advocates. Individuals develop and exercise skills necessary to make informed decisions and build independence.

Mentorship services are designed to support individuals develop self-advocacy skills. Service delivery may include:

  • Provide exposure to community environments and experiences

  • Interview potential providers or generic support professionals

  • Assist with participation on private/public boards, advisory groups or commissions.

Supported Community Connections (SCC)

Supported Community Connections (SCC) services is designed to provide and facilitate opportunities for individuals to interact with community members, build relationships and/or natural supports, promote safety and independence, and work on personal goals. Individuals are encouraged to share their preferred activities and locations so that staff can build a calendar of activities that are meaningful and reflective of personal goals and interests.