Individual Residential Services and Supports (IRSS)

Primary Care Alternative (PCA)

UHC LLC offers PCA options designed to support 1-3 people receiving services with the option to live together.

PCA settings provide a flexible environment with individualized options to meet each person’s support needs.

The setting may include a home, apartment or an agency owned/leased property.

Host Home

Host Homes are single-person caregivers, couples, or families who open their home to a person with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Individuals live in the home and receive assistance to live independently in the home and community of their choice.

UHC LLC will offer Host Home options designed to support 1-3 people in services living together in a family home.

Family Caregiver

UHC LLC offers a Family Caregiver option for individuals who choose to remain in their family home and receive direct care from a family member.

The family member is a paid caregiver responsible for the day-to-day care of the individual.

Family Caregivers will receive the same training as a Host Home setting.